How do I add my comments in response to what I read on this blog?
I'm delighted that you are considering adding comments and encourage you to do so. Please share your reactions to any posting or to any comment you read on this blog. Just click on the "Add comments" link in the upper right corner of the posting you are reading, or click on the "Post a Comment" link at the bottom-left corner of posting. An entry box will be added at the bottom of that posting, where you can write your comments and ask your questions.
Please offer comments on any of the following:
- Your thoughts about and your reactions to what you read. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Do you find it relevant to your situation? If not, in what ways?
- Your suggestions for changes or additions that are needed. Please suggest topics that you think are missing that deserve to be included.
- Are there any topics included here that you feel don't belong? Why?
- Your questions and suggestions about anything that is insufficiently clear.
- Your recommendations for improving the layout, esthetics and operation.
- Please suggest specific web sites that should be added as links from this blog, and please also suggest sites that we should ask to provide a link to this blog.
- Do you consider the posting of potential value as advance reading for people who will be participating in a meeting/seminar/workshop about a related aspect of health professions education? If not, please suggest changes that might make it more appropriate for such a use.
- Please provide any other contributions or concerns you care to share.
Guidelines regarding comments:
- When you can, please support your arguments and recommendations with literature references and relevant web links.
- Please be constructive. This isn't the place for personal rants or diatribes.
- Please remain within the overall topical focus of this blog.
- Please don't add nasty, hurtful, or other non-constructive, judgmental comments.
- When you click to submit your comment, you will be asked to enter a little information about yourself. Please do so. We want you to stand behind you comments and to get credit for your contributions. We won't publish anonymous comments.
- Before you can submit your comment you will be asked to type a word you will be shown that is in the form of a graphic. Such graphics help us avoid the intrusion of automated systems. We're sorry to bother you with this added step, and hope you support this effort to keep robots from cluttering this blog with advertising or other unwelcome messages.
- Please don't submit any advertising or promotions.
- Finally, I have to add that I reserve the right to refuse publication of comments that are not germane to the goals and focus of this blog.
Many thanks,
Hill Jason
Hilliard Jason, MD, EdD
First posted: 9/17/08