Note: I began medical school in September 1953. From my first day I experienced events that caused me to be critical of aspects of conventional medical education. Almost immediately I began exploring what was known about teaching in medicine, and I began thinking about desirable alternatives to my current experiences. Ultimately, I arranged to attend medical school part-time so that I could pursue a doctorate degree in education and participate for two years in "The Project in Medical Education," which was probably the world's first systematic "faculty development" effort in medicine, although that phrase wouldn't begin to be used in medicine for another two decades.
The following, in alphabetical order, is an incomplete list of people who have had a memorable impact on my thinking about teaching and learning during the past 50+ years, some through personal contact, some through their presentations and writings, many through both. (I've saved a lot of space here by not including many others who accelerated my thinking about medical education through their bad examples.) I will add the names of other positive influences as they come to mind, and as additional people exert a memorable influence in the future. I'm deeply grateful to all of the people below and to the many other deserving people who I've inadvertently overlooked in this first pass. My apologies to those in the latter group.
Stephen Abrahamson, Louise Arnold, David Aspy, DeWitt Baldwin, Michele Baldwin, Gwyn Barley, Howard Barrows, Carole Bland, Walter Blass, John Bligh, Charles Boelen, David Bor, Georges Bordage, Rick Botelho, Nathaniel Cantor, Ken Cox, Dale Dauphinee, Arthur Elstein, Ronald Epstein, James Erdmann, Roy Fairfield, Richard Frankel, John Frey, Tamas Fulop, Michael Gordon, Janet Grant, Larry Green, Larrie Greenberg, Jean-Jacques Guilbert, Frederic Hafferty, John Hamilton, Ronald Harden, David Irby, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Jerome Kassirer, Arthur Kaufman, Christine McGuire, Ian McWhinney, Stewart Mennin, George Miller, Victor Neufeld, David Newble, John Norcini, Geoff Norman, Hannes Pauli, Christina Puchalski, Carl Rogers, Everett Rogers, Henk Schmid, Lee Shulman, Kelley Skeff, Parker Small, Barbara Starfield, Orienne Strode, Richard Tiberius, Caes van der Vleuten, Lawrence Weed, Jane Westberg, Kerr White, Luann Wilkerson, John Williamson
Additional acknowledgements: Although she is recognized, as she should be, in the paragraph above, I single out Jane Westberg for special extra thanks here. As my wife and as my closest professional collaborator for more than three decades, Jane has been a consistent and continuous guide toward much of whatever might be worthy in any contributions I make, here and elsewhere.
And thanks to David Rosenberg for his technical help and guidance in setting up this blog.
With deep gratitude,
Hill Jason
Hilliard Jason, MD, EdD
First posted on 9/19/08
Revised 12/9/08
Updated 11/3/10